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Francesco Pantaleone Arte Contemporanea is proud to present a solo show by Stefano Arienti (1961).
Carte Meridiane is the title of the exhibition project with a critic text by Anna Daneri, curator, with Francesca Serrati, of Arienti solo show at Villa Croce Museum (Genoa 2017).
Twenty-four previously unshown works are made with a uniform format in close relation to the sun and its movements. The Meridiane are drawn with light, at the window in the artist’s home or studio, with a technique developed by Arienti since 2012, in which he directly translates, with his own body, the variations of light through the colors selected from moment to moment.
Arienti uses crayons and oil pastels, tempera and acrylic paint on paper to record the sun’s path and its rotation.
The exhibition will be completed by a video documentation commissioned by the Villa Croce Museum and made by Anna Positano on the occasion of “Stefano Arienti, Finestre Meridiane”, Genoa 2017.

Artists: Stefano Arienti
Title: “Carte Meridiane”
Text by: Anna Daneri
Space: Galleria Francesco Pantaleone  – Via Vittorio Emanuele 303 – Palermo
Opening: April 27 at 7 pm
Length: April 30 – May 29
Hours: 10-13/16-19 Tuesday / Saturday