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Roberto Timperi Maramao perché sei morto

salve regina avvocata e madre

lodata e ringraziata prega per lui che ricorre in fiducia a te adorata

cuore immacolato santa che appassiona salvalo che in te s’affida e s’abbandona

pietà di lui


pietà di lui

che la porta non tien chiusa in tempi bui

rinnova santo spirito la faccia della terra

e la sua che intanto è blu

non si muove proprio più

Roberto Cuoghi 2021


Roberto Timperi’s project “Maramao perché sei morto” is inspired by a song of the same name dating from the late 19thcentury. It is still very popular today. Countless versions have been made, and it was even censured during Fascism for its alleged allusion to power. In a broad and clear way, the works presented by Timperi reflect not only on a freedom of expression, but also on the possibility of discussing some themes with a freedom that befits the intellectual. Sometimes irreverent, with his own irony, Timperi offers his vision of the world using both drawing and photography. The drawings are very colourful, and at times grotesque. The photographs appear more evocative and precise. There is a strong, coherent and disenchanted narrative about the present, and the real incisiveness of a critical point of view that tackles many different issues. The project is accompanied by a text written by the artist Roberto Cuoghi. A prayer, or perhaps a fervent call towards the other, who listens.